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Entered the market since 2005, the Cachaça Cedro do Libano Premium is being marketed in specialized stores in Fortaleza - CE - Brazil and São Paulo - SP - Brazil. The Fazenda Libanus, which is located in São Gonçalo do Amarante - CE - Brazil, working in the forestry sector Indian Neen, production of cachaça and redneck eggs and lamb Dorper.    


Depending on temperature, climate and quality of sugar cane, the Cachaça Cedro do Líbano Premium with an alcohol content of 41%, is handcrafted, with their crushing, fermentation and distillation made in the area of ​​Carnaubal, Ceará, Brazil. It is aged and bottled in the district of São Gonçalo do Amarante, Ceará, Brazil in barrels of american oak, within one to three years, the time it takes for the characteristic golden color, flavor and woody aroma, ideal for sipped neat and room temperature.  


The Cedro do Líbano Premium has the seal of the Tax on Industrialized Products (IPI) and registration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA), conditions for being sold and consumed in Brazil.  The drink is among the renowned cachaciers indicated by the market and is a benchmark  among experts in the country cachaça.  


Sector Numbers


  • 40,000 producers in Brazil. 

  • 98% of micro and small entrepreneurs.

  • 600 000 direct and indirect jobs. 

  • 11.5 liters of cachaça consumption per capita per year. 

  • 7 billion dollars of annual turnover in its supply chain. 

  • 4,000 brands of cachaça vie market in Brazil. 

  • 50% of exports of cachaça is in bulk. 

  • 70% of Brazilian production is cachaça column or industrial and 30% of cachaça. 

  • Informal market: still high in some regions. 

  • Distillate 3rd most consumed in the world. 

  • 87% market share of the spirits market in Brazil. 

  • National drink of Brazil by Federal Decree. 

  • Cultural Heritage of Minas Gerais by state law. 

  • Historical and Cultural Heritage of Rio de Janeiro by law Product that has "a Brazilian guy," according to research by Center Industries of São Paulo. 

  • Only drink in actuality, able to have a boom in the international market.     



   Source: CBRC-Brazilian Reference Center Cachaça. Data 2012



Cachaça Cedro do Líbano
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