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To start the conversation, quality handcrafted cachaça is made with cane sugar well treated. What's this? The cane has to be grown without pesticides and harvested without fire.  No burning of straw to facilitate harvesting (an old resource used during cutting cane). Cana is still for anything. If not, will have brandy tastes like ashes ...  


The raw material enters the mill craft drips with color God gave you ... at point S! Sweetie.  


Then, in the process of fermentation, nutrients are also purely natural. I.e., the yeast has to be redneck. Ingredients? The milled cane juice, cornmeal and rice bran without insecticides. Process laborious and slow. It takes 18-38 hours. But it makes a difference. The natural yeast carries a mixed microbial flora that produces, besides alcohol, other components that enhance the flavor and aroma of cachaça. It has to do with the famous bouquet.















In English: fragrance!   And did you know that the aroma depends on hygiene maximum during fermentation? The smell exhaled during the action of yeast denounces whether or not there contamination by acetic bacteria, those which give that unpleasant odor of vinegar in the air. There goes the bouquet ...   And the cachaça industrialized? While handcrafted uses only broth cane sugar, industrialized is generally made of a mixture of molasses and brandy. Moreover, the fermentation process industrial cachaça is accelerated by chemical additives. It takes up to five hours.  


And distillation? How is the distillation of cachaça industrialized? Held in devices called distillation columns or logs! Continuous distillers, steam heated, reaching a ratio of thousands of gallons per day. Which is also not easy. Requires the expertise of highly qualified professionals to perform the process.    




Article book Cachaça Artesanal: alembic the table (Senac)

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